Introduction for New Board Members: 

Recognizing that being a new member on the board can be daunting, this manual is an attempt to organize useful information in an easily accessible form.

It is not expected that you would read it in its entirety. Some pages are for reference only.

The Board Binder is the complete governance document reference (all policies and committee charges and ministerial contracts/agreements).  A link to this is available to Board Members via

Board Covenant

Board Procedures

Perpetual Calendar

Congregation Mission

Congregation Vision

Congregation Covenant (Covenant of Right Relations)


Governance Policy (policy-based governance)

Strategic Plan Summary–2015 (full report)

Policies (see Policies Page)

Organization Chart & Leadership Groups

Board Committee Charges (see Charges Page)

    • Financial Officer & Finance
    • Human Resources
    • Operations Co-Chairs
    • Stewardship

Approved Annual Operating Budget 2024-25

Annual Report

Congregational Board Member Training (from UUA)—12 sections