Archives: Podcast

The Premise and Promise

Alex Haider-Winnett, Intern Minister, Worship Leader; Grainne Grant, Worship Associate. 

Alex reflects on his time serving this community and considers the premise and promise of 21st Century Unitarian Universalism. Alex begins a new position as Summer Minister: coordinating Summer Worship and Adult Religious Exploration programs.

Together Our Gifts Can Bless the World

Rev. Beth Banks, Worship Leader; Walt Fulde, Board Chair, 2018-19; Barbara Clutter, Board Chair 2019-20. 

Celebrate the many gifts we have shared this year. Every person in the sanctuary will receive a blessing. We honor the service of governance, the magic of singing and ringing, … read more.

Truth Seeking for the Curious

Rev. Beth Banks, Worship Leader; Emily Burstein, Worship Associate. 

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love writes about, “the physics of the quest.”  The equation that leads to the truth includes elements of curiosity, bravery, and a willingness to see everything that happens to us … read more.

Coming of Age Service

Alex Haider-Winnett, Worship Leader; Coming of Age Youth, Worship Leaders; Lily Roberts & Meghan Kelly, Worship Associates

Our middle school students have spent the past few months learning about UU history, theology, identity, and practice. They share things they’ve learned about themselves, Unitarian Universalism and the … read more.