Online Worship: Learning to Listen

Join us via this link. 
Rev. Beth Banks; Worship Associate: Emily Burstein
What is prayer? In the political world, we don’t want to hear about prayer intended to take away injustice, “Don’t give us more prayers. Give us action!” Is there a place for prayer in the lives of humanists and theists alike? What is prayer and does it make a difference?

Going Deeper: Beliefs Held in Common Among Us: Prayer and UUs
11:45am–12:15pm  Join us via this link.   
Beth & Worship Associate, Emily Burstein
What beliefs are shared among Unitarian Universalists? Come with open-mind and open-heart to this 30-minute session. We’ll explore some of your thoughts about the different kinds of prayer presented in the service. Was there a style that resonated for you? A kind of prayer you hadn’t considered? This is an Adult Exploration opportunity to engage with theological touchstones – listening and prayer.