Adult RE: Create a History of Delight & Embracing Joy (November – December)

A joyful spiritual discipline: Our practice will strengthen the ability to notice connections that may surprise and delight us. For 30 days, November 21 to December 21, participants are invited to record one delight in each day, using the method of their choice. What’s important, is that there’s a saved record of what’s noticed.

Write in a journal, make ongoing brief voice recordings, take a daily picture, or whatever works for you. If you want to try an app, Day One, gives the option for creating a daily record, with written, spoken or photo entries. You can always use paper and pen, too.


Wednesday evening, December 22, 7-8:30pm, we’ll meet for a guided time of sharing.

In-Person or Online will be decided according to the COVID guidelines on December 22.


Participants are encouraged to Register on Realm for this program so they can receive periodic brief reflections from a Unitarian Universalist perspective and updates.  When you’ve successfully registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email.  Contact for assistance.