WA Publication 2024
In this anthology of inspired writings, UUCD lay-leaders share their wisdom, insight and compassion. When the writing process is supported and given shape within the shared ministry of a spiritual community, it can become truly magical. Through this collection, you are invited to reflect on your own journey of spirit, heart and soul.
In 2007 the first collection of such reflections entitled In This Quiet Light was assembled and published under the editorial leadership of congregants/writers Ruth Hall, Ann Halsted, and Ray Coppock.
The 2024 publication The Outline of our Souls is now complete and available through Amazon.
To learn more about how the project came together you can watch the Sunday service of July 21, 2024, just click on this link.
Proceeds will go to the archives committee as they prepare for
UUCD’s 70th anniversary celebration.
Thank you for your interest and support!
Susan, Mary, Karen, Catlyn and Lorraine