Rites of Passage
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis is a welcoming space for
- Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies,
- Parties, Child Dedications, Birthdays, Anniversaries, & Family Celebrations,
- Recitals and Performances,
- Meetings and Retreats,
- Memorial Services.
Weddings & Commitment Ceremonies
We respect the worth and dignity of every person, and that applies equally to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. UU congregations and clergy have long recognized and celebrated same-sex marriages within our faith tradition.
Hold your celebration at UUCD.
Child Dedication Ceremonies
Child dedication ceremonies are usually crafted by the parents and a minister. They include:
- A blessing for the new life of the child;
- An expression of the parent or parents’ hopes for the child;
- A promise by the congregation to support and nurture the child.
- Contact RevAngeline@uudavis.org
Memorial Services: Celebrations of Life, Funerals, Interments
After a loved one’s death, we come together in community for a time of sacred sharing and memory. Celebrations of Life at UUCD
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