Juuliebells 2023

Music at worship is performed by The Sparks Choir, Juuliebells Handbell Choir, and by a variety of other musicians. Music provides us with rich connections to ourselves, to others, to the universal. It expresses spirituality and moves us to a deeper experience of meaning. Our music ministry offers many opportunities to experience the power of music. Every worship service includes congregational hymns and music from singers or instrumentalists of all ages, who share their talents with us. If you would like to sing, play an instrument, join a choir or other musical group, contact: music@uudavis.org

Sparks Choir 20231

Sparks Choir sings one or two Sundays a month and at special services. Rehearsals emphasize fun, skill building, and varied, challenging repertoire, and are held on Thursdays, Late August to mid-June, 7-9pm, and Sundays, before worship. Open to high school students or adults.

Sparks Choir Retreats introduce new repertoire, build bonds between choir members, and provide focused time for choral and vocal technique work.

Sparks Choral Workshops are led by invited choral conductors and open to high school students and adults.

Sparks Performance Schedule

Juuliebells plays handbells and hand chimes at some worship services. Rehearsals are Thursdays, Late August to mid-June, 4:15-5pm (technique practice) and 5-6:15pm (repertoire). Open to anyone tall enough to reach bells on tables and willing to count to three or four over and over.

Family Choir sings for the 5pm Christmas Eve service. Open to all ages.

Special Music Events: Muusic at Noon Concert Series, 2023- May 25

Our Music Staff.