In-Person & Online Service streaming on-line (Link here)
Childcare offered 10:30-11:30am
Rev. Greg Ward; Karen Kurth, Worship Associate; Sparks Choir Performs
Although many UUs have said that one of the reasons they love their congregations is that they get to be with ‘like minded people.’ But, 25 years in ministry taught Rev. Greg that the warranty on ‘like-mindedness’ often ends at surface-level conversation. Going far enough, or digging deep enough usually turns up differences. This service will uncover some secrets about how moving more deeply into our differences can be awe-some rather than aw-ful.
Rev. Greg Ward is a life long UU raised in the Neighborhood Church of Pasadena. He enjoyed an eclectic range of professional ambitions on his way to ministry. He was a cook, waiter, tutor, baseball player, aerobics instructor, dancer, clown and an 8 year stint as a pharmaceutical engineer. He entered seminary at 30 years old and served as a Youth Advisor, DRE, Chaplain and Minister. This is his 25th year serving as minister – the last three at the Mission Peak UU Congregation in Fremont. He lives in Hayward with his partner (who is a public school teacher) and their spiritual director (Molly, a 5 year old rescue dog).