Online Worship: Finding Serenity

“Finding Serenity”
Join us via this link.
Rev. Morgan McLean; Worship Associate: Emily Burstein
The Serenity Prayer, which is attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, emerged in the late 1930s in the face of a rapidly changing society not unlike where we are today.  We will explore this simple prayer based on a profound principle:  finding serenity and wisdom in knowing the difference between what we can, and cannot, change.

Offering Recipient: DJUSD: Da Vinci High Environmental Club receives 1/2 Sunday offering.  Create a community of like-minded students where we can learn about environmental issues and how we can create positive change.
(Donate via our website, by check with “offering” in the memo line (mail: UUCD, 27074 Patwin Rd, Davis CA 95616), or text UUCD Offering to 73256. Text rates apply.