
Sunday Religious Exploration (RE)

  • Youth meet 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Cottage
  • Children meet weekly (exception 5th Sundays) in the Bridgehouse

Safety of Minors & Sunday RE Programs Flier

Register your child or youth for Religious Education.

Our Program

Kids age 4 and under welcome to Nursery

Nursery care workers welcome babies through preschoolers for fun, educational activities with lots of love and attention. 


Grades K-5: Bridgehouse

Elementary-aged children explore wisdom stories, try spiritual practices, ask questions of how they make meaning, engage in service projects, and occasionally get their hands dirty with paint, clay, or potting soil.


Grades 6-8: MUUGs (Middle school UU Group)

Junior high youth come together in this accepting group. In open conversation they explore current events, daily concerns, and life’s big questions through a UU lens. 


Grades 9-12: UUNIQUE (Senior High UU Youth) 

Senior high youth gather to explore living into their faith beyond Sundays. They share personal stories of challenges and successes, engaging more fully around a different topic each Sunday.

Special Programs:

We offer two special programs for youth on alternating years. Both of these programs have a registration fee; however scholarships are available and no family will ever be turned away due to financial need. Contact for information and registration.


Coming of Age (COA) is a year-long program that marks the transition from childhood to young adulthood. Throughout the year, youth are asked to push their personal boundaries (in ways that feel safe to them) and to think about their own beliefs and values. Youth are paired with adult mentors from the congregation; discussions and retreats emphasize self-awareness; service is performed to the church and community. The year culminates in a belief-statement worship service led by the youth and their advisers.


Our Whole Lives (OWL) is honest, accurate information about sexuality and it changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL).

*We hope to offer Jr. High OWL (grades 7-9) in Fall of 2024.
Volunteer for this vital program: