Contact the church office for more information on joining any of these groups or volunteering with our congregation.

There are many ongoing opportunities to volunteer with our congregation, such as: teaching children’s programs, serving refreshments, providing refreshments, ushering, serving on a team or committee, making food for those in need.

To learn more about any of the groups below, find them on the Charges for Leadership Groups page.

UUCD Members and Friends can check the Roster to find leadership names and contact information.


Board of Trustees

Oversees church operations and legal responsibilities. More.

Finance Team

Oversees the church’s budget and financial operations.

Human Resources (HR) Team

Personnel policies and issues.

Nominating Committee

Proposes candidates for the Board and Nominating Committee.

Operations Co-Chairs

Share administrative oversight with the Senior Minister.

Stewardship Team

Conducts the annual pledge drive.

Stewardship, Auction Committee

UUCD Fundraising: Even-numbered years, autumn. More.

Historical Archives Task Force

Develop and propose a plan to preserve an overview of the Church’s history from the 1950s to the present.


Unitarian Universalists put our faith into action through service projects, education, fostering sustainable living, and nurturing international understanding.  Page. 

Climate Crisis Action Team

Support meaningful responses to the Climate Crisis by UUCD, its members and friends, and our larger society. More.

Quilting Bee     

Experienced and novice quilters make quilts for those in need within and beyond UUCD. More.

Uniting for Racial Justice

Provides the congregation with opportunities to learn about and confront oppression in our society. More.

California: UU Justice Ministry

Connecting UUCD with other UU churches in our cluster. More.


Lifespan Learning provides children, youth, and adults an opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community. More.
Volunteer for Lifespan Learning programs:

Deep Listening Groups (Small Group Ministry)

Participants meet monthly to listen and share reflectively. More.


Membership Team

Works with members and visitors to create meaningful and deepening experiences for all who come to the Church.

Path to Belonging

Orientations for prospective members. Become a Member.

Sunday Team

Greeters; Refreshment; AudioVisual (Facilities); Ushers (Ministry).  Volunteer for our Sunday Team.


Music: Juuliebells Handbell & Handchime Choir

Play bells together and at worship. Music.

Music: Sparks Choir

Sings together and at worship. Music.

Worship Associates

Work with ministers to contribute personal reflections and research to Sunday services. More.


Our Ministers and Caring Council provide care and presence for congregants through illness, grief, and crisis. More.

To request care, or to offer assistance, please contact

Celebration of Life Team

Point-person for a family holding a memorial service at UUCD. Reception support.

Caring Counsel

Collaborates with the ministers; gives specific attention to the cultivation of care in the lives of congregants in non-acute times of need.


Facilities Use & Rentals

For Members, Friends, Individuals and Non-Profits. Facilities and Rentals.

Landscape & Grounds Committee (and Guardians of the Grounds)

Keeps our grounds aesthetically designed, well cared for, and safe. More.

Memorial Grove Committee

Memorial Grove upkeep, tiles, memorials. More.

Outside Groups Meeting at UUCD

Alcoholics Anonymous 24 Hr Answering Service to find a meeting: 916-454-1100

Mankind Project

Redbud Montessori