Online Worship: Why Hope?  


The Reverend Karen Hutt is a minister at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis. She preached this sermon on May 31, 2020, after the murder of George Floyd. Rev. Karen shares her experiences as a black woman and stories from generations of her family. This is a powerful sermon, reason enough for us to see the recording. However, it is perhaps more personal for us because Rev. Karen Hutt is the partner of the Rev. Ashley Horan, who was an intern here. Both are known for their social justice work in Minneapolis, MN and our UU denomination where they both serve.  Having the opportunity to hear messages from both Ashley and Karen has been a gift from our internship program to UUCD.  Worship Associate, Sarah Larkin

Sermon Extension: Gather again at 11:45AM Same Zoom Room as Worship for a continued conversation about Rev. Karen Hutt’s message.

July: YIIN’s Apoyolo receives 1/2 Sunday offering. seeks to support Spanish-speaking immigrant families during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing them with information, connecting them with services, and meeting financial needs not covered by existing services.