
The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis is to welcome each and all, cultivating the spirit, serving others in our quest for justice. All policies of the Board of Trustees are based on this mission, and all actions are to be taken to further this mission.

Ends Statement

Approved by Board of Trustees, April 9, 2007

Expectations for Our Church

The people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis have a deeply meaningful, transforming liberal religious experience. They:

  • Find hope, beauty, and inspiration in their worship.
  • Know Unitarian Universalist religious heritage.
  • Think theologically with respect to the nature of existence and their place in it.
  • Are able to describe their personal religious identities.
  • Have a setting and context in which to deepen their individual spiritual practices.

The people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis feel connected to their religious community. They:

  • Are diverse and welcoming.
  • Recognize and care about each other.
  • Meet and connect across generations.
  • Value and respect each other, aware of their differences.
  • Support one another in their individual spiritual journeys and in the sorrows and joys of daily living.
  • Are actively engaged in multi-generational educational programs, including spiritual practices groups, classes, retreats and workshops focused on learning about religion from a Unitarian Universalist perspective and fostering individual spiritual development.
  • Recognize life’s passages, and provide comfort and aid when it is needed; they join together in times of celebration.
  • Respect and celebrate the traditions of their church, and the seven guiding principles of Unitarian Universalism.
  • Support their church generously with their time, talent, and money, subject to their ability to do so.
  • Embody an ethic of service and caring through shared ministry. Through education, advocacy, witnessing, and service, they use their unique gifts to nurture and create a beloved community, both within and beyond our walls.

The people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis live out their liberal religious values in the world.

  • They are engaged in the betterment of their community and the world through their own work and the opportunities the church provides.
  • They experience transformative spiritual growth that enriches, sustains, and inspires them to live their Unitarian Universalist values.
  • They actively work to eliminate oppression and create a sustainable, just and compassionate world.
  • They integrate environmental awareness, justice, and sustainable practices into their lives, worship, religious education, and all other activities of the church, as appropriate.
  • People in the larger community recognize the church as visibly welcoming, as a place to achieve positive personal change, and as a credible partner in community service.
  • The church contributes to and learns from the larger Unitarian Universalist community and other liberal religious traditions.


This Vision statement was an outcome of the Visioning process begun at a workshop in February 2006 and then distilled from the results of dot-voting. Raw data was transformed into the Vision Statement by discernment of the underlying principles. As one example, while “Expanded Facilities” was a key outcome of the workshop, our discernment of the results was that Facilities were not the goal, but a means to the goal of being able to house and support our programs and activities. Also two major categories were identified which encompassed the individual elements. These were Our Community and Connection and Engagement.

Our Community

Strong infrastructure to support our growing programs and activities and an adequate budget to maintain it.

  • Physical infrastructure: New Building(s)
    • Green, environmentally friendly buildings and complementary landscaping
    • Improved / enlarged facilities to meet our needs
    • Accessibility for all
    • Welcoming, friendly spaces
  • People infrastructure: Paid and Volunteer
    • Full staffing to support programs and organization
    • Fair pay and benefits
  • Organizational infrastructure
    • Effective (policy-based) Governance
    • Focused, productive Committees
    • Clear Communication between all
  • Financial infrastructure
    • Abundance through generosity
    • Firm financial foundation

Connection and Engagement

  • Social, Environmental & Economic Justice in Action
  • Strong Social Justice values
  • Green values lived and taught
  • Justice, equity, and compassion through Right Relations
  • Emphasis on healthy living
  • Welcoming atmosphere with more age, race, political, and spiritual diversity
    • Active and growing Campus Ministry
    • Strong Interfaith connections and engagement
    • Continued committed care to the Community
    • Pastoral support and an effective Caring Committee
    • Outreach to the wider community
  • Vibrant Religious Education programs
    • All ages integrated
    • Comprehensive programs for children, youth, and adults
  • Increased involvement through matching of talents and needs
  • Increased Spiritual Intimacy, Authenticity, and Welcoming
  • Covenant groups, Small Group spirituality
  • Connectedness during growth